The return product(s) must be unopened and in its original packaging. Products opened or used are not accepted for returns.

The postal or shipping fee shall be borne by the customer if the return is requested.

The refund does not include any shipping fee or service handling fee. The shipping fee will be based on the charge from the courier and the service handling fee is 5% of the order value.

Refunds and exchanges will be processed within 30 days upon receipt. Refunds (excluding the initial delivery charge and the delivery charge for returning products if any) will be made against the original credit card used.

All claims for shortages must be reported to the Customer Service at

Messi Fragrances reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.

The Process

Please reach our Customer Service team via or by and state your return request. Our Customer Service will request for the following
information for verification:

  • Order number
  • Purchasing date
  • Product name and quantity which need to be returned, exchanged or refunded.
  • Reason for return, exchange or refund

After your request has been confirmed by us, please pack the items into the box and include the original receipt or packing slip. Please ensure all returned products must be unopened and returned in its original packaging with all the accessories and inserts.

In case of damaged, defective, or incorrect items, please contact our Customer Service

Please allow one to three weeks from the day you return your package for your request to be processed.

You will be contacted once your request is completed.